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hacking java games

I have a way to cheat almost game java rpg offline by adding a midlet in to game,it'sa midlet used to read and edit rms file. u can edit lvl, hp, mp and $$ by this midlet. All u need to make it is 3 file class hack.class, table.class, list.class, u can download here U can do it with ur mobile!!! All u nid r BlueFTP, MiniCommander4.1, and Explorer3.77 (all are above). A mobile browser which can save jar file with the extend _jar (UC Browser or OperaMini mod). *Step1: Download ur game with Uc or OM mod, save withthe extend .zip (not .jar or _jar). Use BlueFTP open the .zip file, open folder META-INF and extract file MANIFEST.MF out. *Step2: Run Explorer3.77, open file MANIFEST.MF (just extracted), add a new line MIDlet-2: hack,,hack then choose 'save', it will create a new file named 'mytxt.txt', delete file MANIFEST.MF above and rename this file to MANIFEST.MF *Step3: Run MiniCommander4.1,it will have2 window, open file .zip(game)at the right window, and the left window open the folder which contain 3 file class and file MANIFEST.MF. Add 3 file .class to file .zip(game) and add file MANIFEST.MF to folder META-INF in file .zip(game).(press key '5'once to open , press double key '5' to copy).--> Ok *Step4: Use BlueFTP or Explorer to rename the .zip(game) file, delete the extend .zip (or delete the dot), then exit and rename this file to .jar Now u open this java game by mobile, it have 2 midlet, open game, play and remember character status such hp, mp, gold, lvl, exp (recommend keep the numberless than 128), then save and exit. Open the 2nd midlet, u'll see some line, 1 in them contain status of ur character, open line by binary( right soft key to choose binary), u'll see a table and several number, search the number match ur character status and edit it (only edit, not delete or add every thing), u can change the number '0' to '9'. Example 2 0 0 0 1 0 85 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 20 50 1 122 32 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 59........ if ur character is lvl1 , 15 gold and 59 exp , u can try edit it. 2 0 0 0 10 0 85 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 20 50 1 122 32 9 9 9 15 0 0 0 9 9 9 59........ OR IT WIL BE 3 ZEROS after the number as 15 0 0 0, try changing them. Here for gold if u change only1 zero u wil get vry low money so change all 3 zeros to 9 as ... 9 9 9 15 OR 15 9 9 9 ( u wil get money in corers and millions,also aplicable to other thngs as hp ,mp,etc) THANKS TO "SYMDUBSTEP" ,from whom i realised this part was mising then ok, exit and open game again, if it's ok --> u r success, if not, u can try withother number. below are some game i've cheat success Note: If the game not work, or it say 'wrong app', u can try again, remember, u must add 3 file class into jargame and add a new line(above) tofile MANIFEST.MF AND ONE MORE THING IT IS NOT APPLICABLE TO UNLOCK LEVELS,OR ARMOUR SUITS OR POWER UPS FOR GAMES LIKE IRON MAN 3. ENJOY!!!!!
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